“Not a single cabinet minister resigned under Callaghan over a policy issue... there were no cabinet resignations during the [2010-15] coalition years except over personal matters”
An American perspective, well worth reading.
Britain of the welcomes.
Difficult to dispute the conclusion that The One With The Prom Video is the best.
The Warrington foodbank opened in 2012. Its first three tonnes of donations were enough to last a year of provision. Now three tonnes last a week.
@tconnellyrte is not convinced that we are much closer to a solution.
Wow. This is from 3,300 years ago!
He is opening up about a lot of things.
Wandering polarity.
My @APCOWorldwide colleague @aTunkel looks forward to the UN General Assembly.
This interview is much more interesting than I expected it to be.
The truth about asylum seekers in Ireland.
Important: @xtophercook’s legal battle with Dominic Cummings.
Great summary by @Judy_Dempsey.
Interesting nostalgia.
Wow. Wow, wow, wow!
With reputable authors. Of course the economics won’t be the deciding factor.
Police looking for something to go on.
What it says on the tin.
A story of racism, mental illness and stiff upper lips.
But is anyone in the government listening?
So true.
@DavidFordMLA in his own inimitable style talks about the experience of being Northern Ireland’s first Justice Minister for four decades.
How parliamentary practice has been forced to catch up with the times.
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