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Website Survival Without SEO in the Age of AI

Website Survival Without SEO in the Age of AI

my notes ( ? )

Website Survival in the New World

How can your business survive the almost complete loss of SEO traffic in the future when AI-driven traffic will be a tiny and insufficient substitute?

You need other ways of reaching your customers.

Internet survival always was always a three-legged stool, with legs in order of importance being:

  1. Search
  2. Social
  3. Email

In the future, you’ll still want to sit on a three-legged stool, but a skinny AI leg will replace the sturdy search leg. The new legs, in order of importance, will be:

  1. Email
  2. Social
  3. AI

While it’s sad to replace the intense flood of SEO-driven traffic with a thin trickle of AI-footnote-driven traffic, those are the facts. Wailing won’t help.

The good news is that you can retain strong connections with your most valuable customers through the oldest of all the Internet media forms: email. Yes, it’s old, but email will now be the best way of reaching customers because it’s entirely under your control.

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The above notes were curated from the full post

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See also: AI, chatGPT, LLM

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