*Very* interesting list of candidates.
Useful multinational perspective.
The fascinating and chilling story of Italy’s Five Star Movement.
A cri du cœur on the failure of liberalism. With particular reference to the Arab Spring and Syria.
@AnneApplebaum in depth on Poland, Hungary (and Trump) and the parallels with the Dreyfus case.
Interesting conclusions from @CEPS_Thinktank, notably that Georgia is moving well ahead of the field.
Fascinating and worrying.
Not my fandom, but fascinating.
The extraordinary politics of international chess.
@MariaFarrell thinks we just may be able to save democracy.
@ParagKhanna on the emerging world order.
Robert Caro on Robert Moses, reviewed by Chris Hanretty.
Good question, answered by @RosaBalfour.
It ain’t all one thing.
“When assessing a populist government, it’s always hard to tell whether it’s just incompetence or dark designs.”
Brave statement: Mér finnst ananas góður, bara ekki á pítsu. Ég get ekki sett lög sem banna fólki að setja ananas á pítsuna sína. Mér finnst gott að hafa ekki þau völd. Forsetar eiga ekki að hafa alræðisvald. Ég myndi ekki vilja gegna þessa embætti ef ég gæti sett lög sem bönnuðu það sem mér mislíkar. Ég myndi ekki vilja búa í þannig landi. Ég mæl…
Though the picture is mixed.
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