
Overview: Social Media Strategy

Social media can be a time- and resource-vampire if it's not integrated into the rest of your communications strategy.

How is your social media strategy? Are you simply broadcasting your content? That's inexpensive, but you're simply adding to the noise. Do you really want to be part of that problem?

The secret is to not have a "social media strategy": as a separate strategy, it will prevent social media becoming an integral part of your content marketing, community development, digital transformation and innovation strategies.

It also tends to put social media in Team Ghetto, when you should be mainstreaming it across your workforce.

Instead, view social media as a set of tactics within an integrated communication strategy, with each social platform harnessed to your overall communication goals.

Need help? Get in touch.

More services: start with Communication strategy.

Relevant resources

Facebook Paper: Curated Visual News Reader
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Seems Zuck's taken Filter Bubble criticisms to heart, combining human & machine curation (now where have I heard that before?) to create what Techcrunch calls “content serendipity” (wish I'd coined that one): "Each Section combines stories chosen by Facebook’s human editors and surfaced by the Paper algorithm [from] a publication, blogger, publi…

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