Curated Resource ( ? )

"What does Sublime actually do?" - by Sari Azout

"What does Sublime actually do?" - by Sari Azout

my notes ( ? )

"a deep-dive on the concrete ways Sublime makes my life better", by founder Sari Azout.

Sublime is all about capturing a "passage [which] stopped me in my tracks", creating a card which is in many ways just like a card on my Hub, including this one. Unlike this one, however, sublime cards can be set public or private.

Moreover, "Cards can be organized into ‘collections.’ When I create a collection, I’m setting an intention for something I want to explore ... that I want to slowly organize my thoughts around", which is similar in intent, if not in execution, to MyHub's Overviews. Collections can also be public or private.

The design is super simple, with lots of whitespace, as the team's laser-focused on userfriendliness to bring new people into the currently-rather-nerdy space occupied by curation tools. Notable by its absence: tags, the organising principle of curation tools since invented user tagging 2 decades ago:

"I could write a book about why we have collections instead of tags (TL;DR: tags are robot stuff)". Instead, AI-powered "smart search" takes care of personal knowledge management (PKM).

A lot of people forget that was also a social tool, probably because I don't think many people used it (I didn't). Yet "Sublime is less PKM and more CKM  – communal knowledge management... the ideas you collect intelligently bump into other people’s... when you add a card to Sublime, you can instantly see related cards from other people’s libraries.... clicking through related cards.... feels to me like a very wholesome “choose your own adventure” game... [without] the mindless scrolling of social media".

I'm very jealous: this is exactly what I've always wanted to do with, but also beyond myhub, or any single platform (see Social knowledge graphs for collective intelligence).

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The above notes were curated from the full post

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