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Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read - The Atlantic

Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read - The Atlantic

my notes ( ? )

The “forgetting curve,” ... is steepest during the first 24 hours after you learn something... unless you review the material, much of it slips down the drain ... leaving you with a fraction of what you took in... those who binge-watched TV shows forgot the content of them much more quickly than people who watched one episode a week...
most common kind of reading ... as consumption: where we read, especially on the internet, merely to acquire information... no chance of becoming knowledge unless it ‘sticks.’”... It’s not about actually learning anything. It’s about getting a momentary experience to feel as though you’ve learned something.”...
Memories get reinforced the more you recall them... read a book all in one stretch... you’re just holding the story in your working memory ... never actually reaccessing it... a false “feeling of fluency.”... it actually doesn’t stick unless you ... concentrate and engage in certain strategies that will help you remember

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