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Brainstorming Does Not Work (except when it does)

Brainstorming Does Not Work (except when it does)

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While an excellent takedown of 'traditional' (group-focused) brainstorming techniques, this article should mention that individuals applying brainstorming techniques get good results. "In every case, four people working individually generated between 30 to 40 percent more ideas than four people working in a group. Their results were of a higher quality, too ... productivity decreases as group size increases... Research into brainstorming has a clear conclusion. The best way to create is to work alone and evaluate solutions as they occur. The worst way to create is to work in large groups and defer criticism... almost everybody has the idea that ideas are important... [but] Ideas are like seeds: they are abundant, and most of them never grow into anything... Having ideas is not the same thing as being creative. Creation is execution, not inspiration. Many people have ideas; few take the steps to make the thing they imagine." - Brainstorming Does Not Work — Galleys — Medium

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