Using Brave Search for higher quality training data and better AI | Brave

The Brave browser project shows that it was ahead of the curve back in late 2023, pointing out:to train an LLM you need training data which is "diverse... span[ning] a wide variety of genres, topics, viewpoints, languages, and more... [to] reduce the errors, biases, and misrepresentations that might be more pronounced in smaller data sets... …

Building An OpenAI GPT with Your API: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Good introduction to GPTs in general and a useful guide to getting a GPT to talk to your own knowledgebase via its API.Presents GPTs as a "very similar concept to ... open-source projects like Agents which LangChain, a popular framework for building LLM applications describes as ... to use a language model to choose a sequence of actions to t…

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