my notes ( ? )
Echo chambers aren’t just a product of the internet and social media, however, but of how those things interact with fundamental features of human nature... Understand these features of human nature and maybe we can think creatively about ways to escape them...
our tendency to associate with people like us. Sociologists call this homophily....
to seek information that confirms what we already know – often called confirmation bias... even if you break into someone’s echo chamber armed with facts that contradict their view, you’re unlikely to persuade them with those facts alone...
two modes of information processing – identity affirming and truth seeking... for issues that... become associated with a group identity, even the most informed or well educated can believe radically different things because believing those things is tied up with signalling group identity more than a pursuit of evidence....
If technology and the technological economy reinforce the echo chamber, we can work to reshape these forces so as to mitigate it... let’s you view the feed of any other Twitter user... is a browser extension that shows the political biases of your friends and Facebook newsfeed.
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