This doesn't really make Michel look much better...
A corrective to Monbiot.
Strasbourg astrorturf!!!
A little-noted development in EU procedures - federalism rolled back?
Former EU ambassador to Morocco: "Yes, it is an authoritarian state." (in French)
Looking at it from the other direction (well, Berlin)
My former boss Michael Emerson analyses it.
What's really going on in the EU (not available in the UK press). With interesting comment also on Poland.
UK minister lies, story swallowed whole by journalists.
...and much else besides.
@RTaylor_MEP speaks out!
Sometimes, says the expert.
EU conniving in plunder of natural resources from the occupied Western Sahara (again).
"UK politics is post-enlightenment, post-fact and post-truth".
Published on a day when they will be ignored...
A desperate voice of sanity
EU Commissioners (with one notable exception) welcome Croatia to the EU in their own languages.
Detailed human rights breaches in Westerm Sahara. Will @eu_eeas or @StefanFuleEU say anything?
@StefanFuleEU's "more for more" in practice.
A pleasing fairy tale by @jasonomahony.
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