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Writing with a Nemesis: Using ChatGPT to Strengthen Your Arguments

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ChatGPT can be "a highly capable writing partner that never sleeps ... [if you] treat it like an editor, a proofreader, and a disgruntled reader... make it an enemy of my text and let it attack it as vigorously as possible."

  • personal devil's advocate: ask it "to list the top three arguments that someone opposed to my thinking would disagree with and why", providing examples
  • feeling your article is unfinished? ask “what is missing from this to make it a cohesive argument”
  • ask "Which emotional arcs exist in the article", and do they clash?
  • ask “find and explain any confusing examples for an audience of X” within the text. Ask for better examples if it finds some

Obviously, watch out for hallucinations: "I once asked it to find studies on mental health topics, and the AI gave me ten scientific paper titles, of which only three actually existed... [but] ChatGPT can be used for fact-checking". Ask it to

  • "be extremely skeptical and surface the five parts of the article that seem to need to be fact-checked... look for anything that sounds particularly unbelievable... misleading phrases.”
  • "point out any logical fallacies ... It has so far found a lot of confirmation bias, a few No True Scotsmen, and a surprisingly high amount of loaded questions."

Get a perspective shift - ask:

  • “From a beginner’s perspective, what is confusing and complicated?
  • from an expert’s perspective, what is over-simplified or misleading?”

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The above notes were curated from the full post

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