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Print’s dead — but so is digital

Print’s dead — but so is digital

my notes ( ? )

Despite ... the belief of many publishers that online ad revenue would surely replace offline, the per-view price of a digital ad continues to drop, and ever-more ad dollars are concentrated with Google and Facebook. Now, to boot, there are ad blockers... paywalls as an alternative revenue stream has, other than for a few must-have titles, produced scant revenue as well as falling readership and a collapsing brand awareness...
to compete with native digital news outlets like BuzzFeed means traditional news organizations, with traditional share price values, must, like the venture-capital supported natives, pay more for traffic than can ever hope to be made back from advertisers... digital natives can yet hope to sell to deep-pocket buyers, whereas the traditionals can only go out of business.
the FT concludes, there is no viable economic model for a written news product...Some of the solutions seem arguably worse than even the present crisis ...

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