The best content I read over the summer (newsletter)
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I hope you had a good summer. I stayed and worked from home, and got a lot done thanks to the mercifully fewer meetings. I also read a lot of good stuff, and published one piece. Here's a selection.

105. Slow and steady: how Are.na became the Good Web for artists, designers, and researchers who love unusual connections
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A podcast with Charles Broskoski. founder of Arena, which "boasts a healthy, creative community and stable finances while rejecting many of the hallmarks of popular social media".

The Three-Legged Stool: A Manifesto for a Smaller, Denser Internet
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The Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure's manifesto sets out the three legs upon which an open public sphere must rest.

Evan Henshaw-Plath, Planetary.Social | The Institute for Digital Public Infrastructure
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One of a great series of Reimagining the Internet podcasts. Guest: the Planetary.Social founder, discussing:the early days of Twitter: "Twitter's innovation ... happened all at the edges... users created everything... inline images and short links and retweets and the app, actual at and hashtags... the company... cultivated this garden w…

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